AI Recruitment 2022: The Pros and Cons Every Recruiter Should Know

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In the world of business, recruitment is vital for talent acquisition. The recruitment team is responsible for engaging with potential candidates, screening applicants, and hiring the right people. When done successfully, the company or organization will benefit from these employees who can contribute to its overall business success.

In most cases, recruiters have two key metrics: efficiency and quality of hire. To fill in job vacancies or close new roles, they must hire individuals as soon as possible. On the other hand, they must ensure they get the right people best suited for the jobs or roles. 

But often, recruiters are confronted with some challenges in recruitment. First, it takes a lot of time for them to reach out to prospects, screen many applicants, and seal a deal with candidates. Also, they tend to make the mistake of hiring the wrong people in the labor market. Thanks to technological advancements, the utilization of Artificial Intelligence has set new innovational trends for many businesses in different industries. However, recruiters must still be wary of leveraging AI for talent acquisition.

We’ll share the pros and cons of AI recruitment in 2022. Read more to learn what you can do as an employer or recruiter.

The Use of AI in the Recruitment Process in 2022

For the uninitiated, artificial intelligence  entails simulating human intelligence into machines. As such, machines can now somehow think or act like humans. They can take over some of the employees’ responsibilities or accomplish their tasks.

That said, AI recruitment simply applies artificial intelligence in the talent acquisition process. Recruiters can use AI technology to look for prospective candidates, shortlist applicants, and even automate manual work. The ultimate goal is to streamline the entire recruitment process.

Mark Pierce, the CEO of Cloud Peak Law Group , said that AI has gradually taken the plunge in business. “Many companies and organizations have started utilizing AI-powered apps or software to improve their recruitment workflows. That’s why we provide AI-powered and automated tools under one roof. What started as a work of fiction has become a reality,” he continued.

This year, we’ve seen further progress and development in AI recruitment. Some AI-powered recruitment tools and resources are intelligent screening software, recruitment Chatbots, and digital interviews. However, AI technology has not yet reached its pinnacle of success. Hence, expect more innovations in AI recruitment in the years to come.

But for now, let’s look at the potential benefits and possible drawbacks of AI recruitment in 2022.


  • Time-saving: Saving time is the primary benefit of AI recruitment. It allows recruiters to “do more with less” work in their talent acquisition process. While the algorithms of AI-powered software can screen applicants based on set criteria, recruiters can also automate the interview schedules and assessment results. Hence, AI technology can speed up the entire recruitment process.
  • Quality hires: The talent acquisition process involves hiring the best talents who can contribute to a company or organization. While AI technology helps automate workflows and streamline recruitment processes, recruiters can solely focus on evaluating candidates. They don’t need to waste time on manual work; they can double-check assessment results and focus on interviews. Ultimately, AI technology allows recruiters to have quality hires for their business.
  • Cost-efficient: The investment in AI technology might sound costly at the onset. Your company or organization may have to shell out money to purchase AI-integrated software for recruitment. However, this investment will pay off in the long term. The Managing Partner of No BS Marketplace , Aaron Gray, said “Not only will you save time, but you’ll also cost-cut your recruitment expenditures in the long run. If you have a growing business with ongoing recruitment, it makes sense to leverage the AI technology.”
  • Ease and convenience: AI recruitment can be pretty straightforward and relatively easy. The CEO and Co-Founder of Moonchaser, David Patterson-Cole, claims, “What’s good about these tools is that they are user-friendly for the most part. Recruiters can work with their IT team to input data for algorithms and automate certain processes. On the other side of the spectrum, applicants can follow instructions and perform the needful in the recruitment process.” To that end, both recruiters and candidates can benefit from AI technology through ease and convenience.


  • Accuracy and reliability issues: AI is an ever-evolving technology. For this reason, it isn’t 100% effective as of yet. There is still a need for human intervention in almost all processes. While it helps reduce the recruiters’ workload, it cannot be left unchecked and unattended. Without human intervention, your recruitment may encounter inaccurate data, leading to unreliability in hiring people.
  • Arising system biases: Sure, this intelligent system allows you to screen applicants based on your set of criteria like employment experience, the field of specialization, and educational background. You can also set data on knowledge, skills, and attributes that your company needs in the system. However, machine learning  (ML), a subset of AI, can now read and learn data. As such, it can lead to arising system biases. Hence, AI technology may affect your screening process.
  • The need for data input: Another crucial concern is the input of relevant data in the system. While they may spend less time on recruitment workflows, recruiters may have to put time and energy into integrating data into the software. They need to work with the IT team to ensure its success. If not, the data and information may impact the whole recruitment process.

AI Recruitment: What to Do as an Employer or Recruiter

Given the advantages and disadvantages of AI technology, what can employers and recruiters do? To make the most of the AI technology  and optimize your recruitment process, here are some key steps you can take:

  • Look for the best AI tool or technology
  • Design and update algorithmic inputs
  • Apply rules to algorithmic decisions
  • Strengthen your accountability in AI recruitment
  • Inform applicants about the use of AI recruitment
  • Continue to have human intervention

That said, you can leverage AI technology in your recruitment process. You’ll be able to take advantage of its benefits and eliminate — if not, at least minimize its drawbacks to your company or organization.

Leveraging AI Technology for Effective Recruitment

There’s no denying the impact of technology in the world of business. In recruitment particularly, you can leverage AI for effective talent acquisition . As discussed above, expect potential benefits such as saving time and money. Also, you can ensure robust communication and interaction and ease and convenience. Lastly, you’ll end up hiring quality candidates.

But on the other side of the spectrum, be wary of its possible drawbacks such as accuracy issues, system biases, and the need for data input. Most importantly, consider the AI recruitment recommendations for employers or recruiters discussed above. With these in mind, you’ll be able to make the most of the AI technology for a robust recruitment process.


David Patterson-Cole is the CEO of Moonchaser.


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By David Patterson-Cole