6 Creative Ways to Source Tech Talent Faster in 2022

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Recruiting the greatest talent in 2022 is no simple task, especially with the Great Resignation  in overdrive. This is especially true in the booming tech industry, which is permeating every business and, as a result, has potential candidates in short supply.

In this post, we’ll walk you through some crucial ideas and methods for your hiring managers to attract and maintain top talent, which will help you stay afloat.

1. Personalize Your Outreach

During a job search, most developers learn about potential employers through the companies’ content and media, such as blogs, news, and videos, according to a survey by Stack Overflow. This means that businesses must be visible to expand their reach, and one of the greatest ways to do so is to collaborate with your marketing department.

“Companies realize that recruiting is a sales and marketing function and that hiring success, the ability to hire amazing talent at scale is business success,” Jerome Ternynck, CEO of SmartRecruiters, told Fortune. “They put more marketing skills into the talent attraction function.”

Good content can also help to effectively engage candidates and boost a company’s brand reputation in the employment market. You may even integrate it with conferences to reach a wider audience. How can you do that?

  • Create topic-specific material related to your company’s industry. Showcase your knowledge, the company culture, and the projects you’re working on. Provide real value to the audience rather than overly promotional stuff.
  • Take part in (virtual) events and conferences. You can attend existing events or organize your own, such as hackathons or speeches.
  • In your social media posts, use paid advertising. While this isn’t a usual method, it could help you reach a wider audience.

2. Formulate Strong Job Openings Descriptions to Garner Attention

When hiring and onboarding new tech employees, the most typical methods are conventional and repetitive, prone to inaccuracy and misjudgment. The entire procedure is not only costly but is also inefficient in general.

This failure starts with the very first step: creating a good job title description.

“Copy-paste recruitment is often business as usual in most firms,” said worldwide talent management specialist Dorothy Dalton in a recent interview  with Harvard Business Review. Even if the position hasn’t been filled in five years, the chances of someone deciding it has to be rewritten are small. The only modifications I perceive are to increase the qualifications in general.”

Identifying a need is the first and most crucial step in creating a strong tech talent pipeline . This will also help you attract passive candidates.

Understanding technological jargon is the first and most critical step in developing a strong tech talent pipeline. This will help you write a practical job description and attract the best candidates regardless of which job boards it’s posted on.

The more technical jargon you understand, the easier it will be to communicate the role’s details and expectations in fewer words. Shorter job postings attract roughly 8.4% more candidates  per view than longer ones. Most job seekers take only 14 seconds to decide whether or not to apply for a position.

Another good strategy is to publish job ads  on a job board early in the week. According to LinkedIn’s latest jobs data, more than half of all post views (59%) and applications (57%) come between Monday and Wednesday. Posting positions early increases your chances of attracting the attention of the best candidates as soon as they start looking.

3. Use Your Tech Team’s Connections

Apart from posting positions through your usual channels, it’s also a good idea to urge your coworkers to aid you by simply re-sharing or retweeting your posts on social media.

Marketing tools are fantastic, but the greatest solution for a complex issue is mostly the simplest. Every recruiter has a few examples of great candidates discovered through a simple re-post on social media.

So, if you’re in a hurry to fill a new position, you should first urge your tech staff to promote the job posting on their social media accounts.

This will complete several things at once:

  • Candidates will know who they will be working with immediately.
  • Team members will be familiar with the candidate, which benefits the team’s cohesiveness.
  • As a result, engineering team members can serve as a first filter, allowing only the most acceptable qualified candidates to pass.
  • This offers the candidate more confidence in the job offer.

However, for this strategy to succeed, you’ll need both experienced old tech employees on board. You can also look outside the obvious places by looking beyond the handful of leading IT hubs.

It’s about giving enthusiastic people from different walks of life a chance. Remote employment is a boon for both tech corporations and professionals worldwide. Joshua Pantony, CEO of Boosted.ai’s, said in discussion with Forbes.

4. Attract Tech Talent Wisely

Step 1: Provide transparent info on career advancement opportunities.

You must provide an appealing career path to recruit top tech talents. Employees want to advance in their careers. Thus employers must assist them in achieving their objectives. Your job isn’t done once you’ve attracted tech talent; you must keep them.

Prospective candidates are far more inclined to explore other opportunities if they feel unmotivated and/or stuck now that they have many options and the opportunity to work remotely (from anywhere).

Make sure prospective employees know their options and understand when and how they can advance.

Don’t overlook things like the prospect’s prior experience, seniority, or faster-than-average learning rate, and be willing to change your criteria to secure or reward those genuinely exceptional individuals.

For job advancement, receiving feedback on one’s performance is critical. Pay attention to your employees and offer them sound advice.

Step 2: Furnish learning and development as part of the solution.

Top tech talents today want a career that allows them to learn new skills and techniques . Make their experience unique.

Everyone is different, as are their skill sets and requirements. Create a customized plan based on the regular discussions, including learning, training, mentorship, or succession planning.

Offering an internship program or learning and development module will help you identify outstanding talent and simultaneously attract the tech talents in the job market to join your company, allowing you to start recruiting new potential candidates immediately.

It’s a terrific opportunity for talent to see what it’s like to work at your firm, and you’ll have a better chance of employing them long-term if you develop a sentimental link between your company and the prospect.

For example, PwC  conducted a multi-year upskilling project around tech skills that encompassed everyone in the organization.

Step 3: Offer distinctive perks and benefits that count.

According to Upwork, in the next five years, almost 28% of professionals in the United States will be fully remote. As a result, collaborative team culture can be a company’s most valuable asset, especially when keeping employees and laying out a clear route for their professional development.

After COVID-19, with the new standard all set in and the future pointing to a hybrid work style , extra benefits like this will likely be forthcoming.

It would be best to consider all the other perks and incentives vital to attracting and retaining the best tech talents.

  • Set aside costs for onboarded employees to purchase a standing desk, a bigger computer screen, or a more comfortable working chair for their home office to keep them motivated and healthy.
  • Workdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. are obsolete. Allowing employees to work at their chosen hours will allow them to perform at their best, resulting in increased productivity.
  • Set aside one day per week for “personal project work.” Allow your employees to work on a self-development project where they can gain new skills on this day.

Thanks to advances in communication and meeting technology, leading a remote team  has never been easier. Finally, for the candidates, the remote work option offers more freedom, which is advantageous not only to them but also to the firm.

5. Smart Hiring with Correct Hiring Tools

Often recruiters find it difficult to quickly assess a candidate’s abilities during the recruitment process and stretch for long hours. Most trained and experienced employees have a slew of employment offers, so the two-week hiring procedure is the biggest turnoff.

To avoid this, companies with innovative hiring strategies are now emphasizing applicant experience and quality-of-hire measures above speed-of-hire indicators via automation.

Furthermore, the pandemic has accelerated video interviewing and smart hiring tools. This has eventually made the recruiters believe that allowing a machine to make the decision may be the best option.

For example, in a coding interview, an AI-powered tool assesses  a candidate’s coding aptitude based on overall code quality and logical correctness rather than completeness, making it a more humanized tool.

Investing in the correct hiring technology can dramatically improve speed, reliability, and impartiality and help find talent that less sophisticated hiring tools would otherwise overlook.

6. Work With Your Talented People To Find Best Tech Talents

The best programmers like to collaborate with their peers. Participate in conferences and forums with other like-minded technologists to hire the talent your company is looking for. Encourage your team to participate in hackathons and open-source initiatives, and share the stage with other professionals in the field.

Create an experimentation culture that you’re proud of and that your team believes in, and welcome others to join you. While it’s unlikely for a candidate to possess all the qualities you are looking for in a job role, if they’re technically competent and have the correct mindset, here’s a solution:

You can consider giving the tech applicants a challenge to solve. The essential factor in attracting tech talent is to provide them with technically challenging problems to address.

“We allowed the team to fix the difficulties using cutting-edge technology. Given the product’s dependence, this may not be feasible for everyone, but if you can, create that challenge,” said Ricky Sahu, 1upHealth, said in a discussion with Forbes.

Create a technical challenge on your Online Technical Test platform to assist and identify applicants with the necessary technical skills and competencies. It is a great idea to test candidates and attract them to a challenging environment.

We seek out the brightest minds on the planet, those who aren’t content with the mundane and who possess not simply data skills but also an unquenchable curiosity and creativity. Then, recruit clients who are transforming the world. Rinse and repeat as needed.

Do you require assistance with your hiring process to identify eligible candidates and attract top tech talent to your organization?

Contact us at Recruiter.com  immediately, and we’ll help you hire tech talent in no time.


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