9 Reasons Why No One Applied to Your Job Posting

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On average, each job opening will attract around 250  resumes. So when you post a recruiter will post job openings to LinkedIn or your career page, you may be waiting for the floods of resumes to come in.

What happens if they don’t? There are a few reasons why people might choose not to apply for your open positions, but most of them are pretty easy to fix.

Keep reading to discover nine reasons why job seekers might not be applying for your open positions and what you can do to fix it. 

1. Bad Employer Brand

Before people apply for open job posts, they’ll likely read reviews, and if you have a lot of negative reviews on sites like Glassdoor, this will hurt your employer’s brand and cause people not to apply. 

If you notice that many people don’t have many nice things to say about your company, you’ll need to start by fixing the internal issues. Talk with your employees and see how you can address their concerns. If your employees notice that you’re open to helping and improving conditions, they may be less likely to vent on the Internet to potential candidates. 

One solution could be to create a form or area where internal employees can leave feedback about the company culture so that your organization can review and handle it internally and maintain your employer’s brand reputation. 

2. Poor Candidate Experience

If you have poor candidate experience, that might also get onto the Internet and warn people from applying to your positions. In the long run, it could also hurt your employer brand. 

If a job seeker had a negative experience with your application process in the past, they’re likely not going to apply again even if their dream job opens up at your company. Remember that the candidate experience starts even before job seekers undergo your application process in the employment market

If it’s difficult to apply, like having to create a profile to log in, this may turn many candidates away. 

3. Low Salary (Or None Listed)

Do you put your salary in the job description? If it’s not competitive, many people may not apply because they want a higher salary. You may want to do some research and ensure that it is a higher salary. 

If you don’t have the budget for a more competitive salary, you might want to offer other benefits or incentives to convince your job applicants to apply. 

If you don’t have the salary in your job descriptions, you may want to consider adding it. Keep in mind that some states require employers to list it now, so you want to ensure that you follow all the rules. However, when people know what salary you’re offering, they may be able to make a better decision on if they’d be a fit for your position or not. 

If you don’t want to disclose the actual salary, you can also include a salary range. 

4. No Flexible Working Options

After the pandemic, many employees are looking for the opportunity to work from wherever they want. You’ll limit your applicant pool if you require people to go into an office five days a week.

You may even want to consider offering hybrid options. Either way, let all qualified candidates know that you will be flexible with scheduling or remote opportunities. 

5. Bad Website Design

If you have a bad website design, people may not even know where to find a job to apply for it. That means you have to have a professionally-designed website and make it easy to navigate. It should also be optimized for mobile devices so people can easily find and apply it on their phones. 

It would be best if you also focused on SEO so that your website appears in search results when people search for your company. If you aren’t ranking on Google, this may be another reason you don’t have many applicants.

6. Your Application Process Doesn’t Work

Even if applicants find it challenging to apply to your position, they might find it challenging. This is where the tracking will start, but if the process is broken, it’ll be hard to track how many people are applying to your job. 

You’ll want your application process to integrate into your career site, so make sure all your forms and links are working. 

7. Not Specific Enough

Sometimes your job ads aren’t particular, and people have no idea what type of job they would be applying for. If the description is too broad, it may seem like a trap.

Even if it takes longer to create job postings, work with the hiring manager to make it as specific as possible so that a job seeker knows precisely what job you want to apply for. 

8. Too Many Job Requirements

People may not want to apply if your job description looks like a laundry list of job requirements. It makes the job seem unappealing, and most candidates may not even read through all the needs. 

They may also not meet all of the qualifications for the job and decide not to apply, even if they would’ve been a great fit. 

9. You Have Too Many Ways to Apply

If you have an option to apply on the website, through an email, on LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, and other job boards, you have way too many ways for people to apply. This can make it hard to gather all these quality candidates and funnel them into one applicant tracking system (ATS). 

It can also make it harder to track their application and make it more challenging to understand how many people have applied. 

Discover More Reasons Why No One Applied to Your Job Posting

These are only a few reasons why no one applied to your job posting, but there could also be many other issues.

If you’re struggling with any aspect of your recruiting process, we’re here to help! We have all the talent acquisition solutions you’ll need to expand your talent pool and hire qualified candidates.

Contact us today to learn which recruiting solution is the best option for your business!


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By Alyssa Harmon