5 Practical Methods to Retain the Top Tech Talent at Your Company

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According to LinkedIn data , employees who are new to the company are twelve times more likely to depart, or even thirty times more likely.

Employee retention refers to a company’s capacity to retain key personnel. Replacing a position can cost up to twice the person’s annual pay , highlighting the necessity of investing in employee retention methods. According to SHRM , the number of resignations in the United States increased to 4.5 million in November last year.

To retain tech talent and boost staff retention, your organization must embrace work culture-enhancing strategies such as employee engagement, productivity, and satisfaction.

Why Do Tech Employees Leave?

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , the unemployment rate for tech professionals and mathematical experts was 4.7%, roughly half of the total labor market rate in the United States.

According to LinkedIn research  on tech talent, career opportunities are the primary reason an employee leaves and joins a company. While 45% resigned due to a lack of prospects, 59% joined a company due to career opportunities.

The data collected depicts the following stats:

  • 45% are concerned about a lack of advancement opportunities
  • 41% were dissatisfied with senior management leadership
  • 35% were disappointed with the work environment/culture
  • 36% desired more demanding work, and 34% were unhappy with compensation/benefits.
  • 32% were dissatisfied with their contributions’ benefits and recognition.

How to Calculate Employee Retention

How can you be sure that your talent retention initiatives  are effective? Employee retention is better measured annually and only includes employees who have been with your organization for the entire year.

According to SHRM , the following formula works best:

(number of individual employees that stayed on for the entire measuring period) /(Number of employees at the start of the measurement period) x 100

Now that you know which techniques to use to retain tech talent and how to measure your progress, keep in mind that significant changes start with little everyday acts. Let’s dive deeper into the practical methods you can use to retain top tech talent at your company.

5 Practical Methods to Retain the Top Tech Talent

1. Invest in Employee Engagement

Employee turnover may become an issue if tactics to keep staff engaged are not implemented in the tech industry, which is one of the most competitive.

High levels of employee engagement indicate that tech team members believe they are an essential part of the organization and that they understand and are working to achieve the firm’s objectives.

According to Deloitte’s Talent 2020 survey , a modest 15% increase in engagement might result in a 2% rise in profit margins. Employee retention in many tech companies is increasing due to the industry’s competitive incentives, ranging from unlimited vacation days to modern workspaces and discounts at the best eateries. These one-of-a-kind benefits serve to keep employees happy and motivated.

Aside from offering appealing benefits packages and perks, there are basic, day-to-day steps you can take to boost employee engagement, such as:

  • To emphasize tangible actions for organizational improvement, ask your workers what they need to feel happier at work and how, if given the opportunity, they would improve the company. Employee surveys are an excellent approach to accomplish this.
  • Provide feedback to your teams through informal meetings frequently and more formalized quarterly opinion surveys.
  • Empower your employees to contribute ideas and innovative approaches by holding frequent brainstorming sessions and developing an open-door management philosophy.

However, hearing is only the first step; make sure you demonstrate to your staff that their concerns have been heard by delivering progress reports on feedback progress monitoring.

2. Make Professional Skills Development a Priority

Investing in your engineering talent’s career and skill development  is one method to secure a successful future in the long run.

According to a Degreed study, 46% of participating professionals agreed that if they do not see a commitment to upskilling and reskilling, they are more likely to leave their organization, resulting in a financial turnover.

Offering corporate training, exposure to collaborative learning and career development opportunities, or the ability to attend external courses helps guarantee that your teams feel reassured and have the talents and certifications needed to affect your firm’s success.

Indirect compensation is another professional learning opportunity that many organizations provide to their employees.

It may appear to be a significant upfront expenditure, but in the long run, your staff will obtain the skills needed to test foreign businesses, create new products, and enable you to beat the job market.

3. Put in Place Internal Recognition Programs

Employee appreciation and talent retention are inextricably linked. Indeed, Deloitte discovered that participative leadership and acknowledgment are among the top three most prominent nonfinancial retention reasons. 

According to another recent survey, 82% of responding American employees are happy at work when they are recognized. Furthermore, 63% of employees who feel recognized indicated they are “unlikely” to hunt for a new job.

Employee recognition can lead to a slew of other retention benefits , including:

  • Promoting a healthy work environment
  • Boosting client satisfaction
  • Keeping employees motivated
  • Enhancing employees’ ties with their coworkers
  • lowering reliance on managers

4. Promote a Diverse and Inclusive Culture

Employees, particularly those in the technology business, value diversity in the workplace. According to another study, three out of every four employees  want to work for diverse firms, offering employers who value diversity a significant edge over the competition.

Unfortunately, the tech sector still has a long way to go in diversifying its workforce. According to Zippia, males presently control 75% of tech occupations  in the United States.

Factors other than race, language, and gender guarantee that employees are treated fairly and that businesses can access the most outstanding talent. Diversity also promotes inclusivity and higher satisfaction levels within teams.

5. Provide Flexibility in Terms of Working Hours and Location

Top talent in today’s IT business demands more than simply the option to work remotely; they want flexible work arrangements that allow them to maintain a better work-life balance.

According to the Consumer Technology Association, 92% of tech companies  claim that providing workplace flexibility, such as flex hours and freedom of location, is critical for retaining employees.

Flexible working arrangements can help enhance retention in a variety of ways, including:

  • Employee loyalty has increased
  • An appealing brand and business culture
  • Stress reduction in teams
  • Improved work-life balance

As you work to retain top talent and improve employee retention methods, contact us at Recruiter.com. You can use the Recruiter.com platform to expedite everything from recruitment and onboarding to administering teams worldwide – all while reducing costs and risk.



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