What Is Quiet Hiring: How Companies Can Implement This Strategy

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You’ve heard of quiet quitting and quiet firing, but now quiet hiring is taking center stage as many companies deal with layoffs and threats of a recession. 

Companies are being asked to do less with more but can’t hire the right talent to help them grow their business. Many companies are also on a tight budget, and when it costs $4,700 to hire a new employee, this is another cost that companies can’t afford. 

Quiet hiring is a strategy that companies can use to fill their open roles without spending money on hiring brand-new employees. Keep reading to learn how to implement this quiet hiring strategy into your organizational planning. 

What Is Quiet Hiring?

Quiet hiring is a strategy companies use to fill open roles without hiring a new full-time employee. This doesn’t mean your company is cutting your headcount and tasking employees with more work; it’s more strategic. 

The strategy for quiet hiring is looking at the organization from a leadership level and assessing all of the talents you have at your company. It would help if you found where there are any skill gaps and figured out how to fill those. You want to acquire new skills and talents without hiring new people.

This could mean investing in your employee’s education and professional development to help them develop those skills and fill that gap in your company. It could also mean transferring employees temporarily to a new role that they have the skills to fill. 

It would be best to focus on what areas are a priority for your business and assess all options before moving any employees to new positions. 

However, for this to work, the company and leadership must be as open and transparent as possible with employees. Explain the company’s priorities and why you are making this shift. Communicate that you aren’t making employees work two roles but temporarily shift their focus. 

For example, if you have a hiring freeze and aren’t utilizing your recruiters as much, you can have them assist with marketing functions to help reach your business goals instead of laying them off. 

Why Is This a Popular Trend?

Quiet quitting was a popular trend last year when employees and candidates had control of the job market. Still, companies are forced to slow down hiring and cut their recruiting budgets in a challenging economic climate. 

Because of this, there is still a talent shortage. The talent shortage means it can take months for a company to hire for a new position, and many companies don’t have the time or budget to account for that. 

A possible recession also means companies must hire employees carefully and not overhire. Unfortunately, until the economy and job market stabilizes, this will likely be a trend for many companies. 

How Does This Help Your Company?

If you do it correctly and ethically, there are many benefits of implementing quiet hiring strategies at your company. 

One benefit is that it can efficiently and cost-effectively fill open gaps without hiring additional employees. Because of this, you can leverage internal talent rather than deal with a months-long recruitment process. 

This strategy can also allow you to pivot to meet different market demands. Your company will more likely make it through a challenging economic time when you have flexibility. 

While doing this, you’ll also be upskilling employees, helping them further their careers, and boosting their resumes. In addition, improving employees’ professional development can increase productivity and retention at your company. 

Depending on how you move your employees around, you could also decrease burnout. According to Forbes, 63%  of employees experience burnout. By transitioning employees to a different position that is less stressful or allows them to learn something new, they may feel less burnt out and more likely to stay at your company and be productive. 

How to Implement Quiet Hiring

Google is one company that implemented quiet hiring successfully. They used this strategy to find top-performing internal employees who were always willing to go above and beyond their job description. 

Once they were sure that employees could do their best, they would likely be promoted and raised. If they performed well, they would offer them professional development opportunities or even the chance to learn a new skill through a different department. 

This way, it benefited the employees and the employer. However, you’ll have to communicate and be transparent to implement this strategy successfully. If you don’t communicate with the employee properly, it might look like you are trying to add more work to their full workload. It can also make employees question their job security and look at other companies for employment. 

Instead, you can frame it as an exciting opportunity for them to grow their career and learn more skills. Make sure that every employee knows that they’re a valuable member of the team. You also want to ensure you adequately compensate employees for the extra work or responsibility you assign them. 

Another thing that can help companies is career pathing. If you don’t have any plan for employees to grow and move in their careers, they likely won’t stay at your company for very long. If you will help upskill them, make sure they know what career paths and opportunities they have at your company in the future. 

Utilize Other Cost-Effective Hiring Solutions

If you don’t have enough employees to quietly hire and move to other positions, you may be forced to hire an external candidate. However, there are ways that you can do this affordably and efficiently. 

Recruiter.com has flexible and affordable recruiting solutions that can help you hire top talent. You can scale our solutions up or down as your hiring needs change, and you won’t be locked into any long-term contracts.

FIRST Agency is one company that leveraged Recruiter.com’s OnDemand recruiting solutions, and they could save 55% on recruitment fees  that they would’ve spent with a traditional recruiting agency. 

“We can confidently say that the OnDemand Recruiting program has been a game-changer for our company, and we are excited to continue this upward momentum,” said Maureen Ryan Fable, the CEO of FIRST Agency. 

Understanding the Impact of Quiet Hiring on Employee Engagement

Quiet hiring isn’t just about saving money and making the most out of the existing resources in the company. It’s also about empowering employees, developing their skills, and boosting engagement. By involving them in different tasks and projects, you allow them to explore new facets of their professional skills, which can be rewarding and motivating.

The success of quiet hiring depends on the way the process is managed. Employees should never feel that they are being exploited or undervalued. If the change in roles is presented as a unique opportunity for growth, it can foster a sense of trust, loyalty, and belonging within the team.

Enhancing Internal Mobility with Quiet Hiring

Quiet hiring can also be seen as an excellent opportunity to encourage internal mobility. When employees see that they can switch roles, learn new skills, and take on different responsibilities within the company, they are more likely to stay engaged and committed to their work.

However, having a well-defined internal mobility program is crucial to ensure smooth transitions. The program should include clear role descriptions, job rotation schedules, and comprehensive training modules. This way, employees will feel confident in their new roles, and the organization can benefit from their enhanced skills and knowledge.

Promoting Collaboration and Cross-Functional Teams

Another angle to consider when implementing quiet hiring is promoting collaboration and cross-functional teams. By shifting employees to different roles, you effectively break down the silos and encourage collaboration between different departments.

This cross-pollination of ideas can lead to innovative solutions, improved workflows, and a better understanding of the organization. Plus, it can foster a more cohesive and united company culture, where everyone feels a part of the bigger picture.

Incorporating Quiet Hiring into Succession Planning

Succession planning is essential to any company’s strategic plan, and quiet hiring can be a valuable component of this process. By identifying potential leaders within the company and providing them with opportunities to expand their skills and experience, you are effectively preparing them for future leadership roles.

This approach can reduce the need for external hiring when a key position becomes vacant and ensures that the company is always ready with a pool of competent leaders. It also sends a strong message to employees about the company’s commitment to their growth and development, thereby boosting morale and retention rates.

Establishing a Continuous Learning Culture

Ultimately, the biggest advantage of quiet hiring is that it supports a culture of continuous learning within the organization. When employees are given opportunities to develop new skills and take on different roles, they are more likely to embrace learning as a vital part of their job.

This culture of learning can contribute to the overall adaptability and resilience of the organization, which is especially critical in times of economic uncertainty or rapid market changes.

In Conclusion

When done correctly, quiet hiring can be a win-win situation for the company and its employees. It allows companies to utilize their internal resources more effectively, save on hiring costs, and respond swiftly to changing business needs. At the same time, it offers employees opportunities for growth, learning, and career advancement.

However, it’s essential to remember that quiet hiring isn’t just about moving employees around. It should be part of a broader strategy to foster employee engagement, promote internal mobility, enhance collaboration, and build a continuous learning culture.

And if your company needs to hire externally, don’t forget that cost-effective solutions are available. By partnering with the right recruitment service provider, you can streamline your hiring process and find the right talent without breaking the bank.

If you’re interested in learning how we can help you hire top talent and save money, contact us today

By Alyssa Harmon