3 Types of Candidates to Identify So You Can Fill Sales Roles Fast

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Leaving roles open in any industry means lost income for the company, particularly in sales.

According to the most recent job openings survey  by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the number of job openings in November 2021 was 10.6 million. The hiring in retail and sales has decreased as well. It’s clear what this means for sales recruiters. There is a gap to fill!

Fortunately, according to the BLS, there is no lack of talent to pull from considering reentrants to the job market increased by $200k in August. But given the circumstances, it is a job seekers’ market. Rather than sifting through piles of resumes comparing the “exact” qualifications, you may be able to fill roles faster with high-potential talent by searching your talent pool for diamonds in the rough.

Here are a few candidates you may have otherwise overlooked that are perfect for filling those pressing open roles.

1. Young Hires

Entry-level candidates may have more potential in sales positions than you give them credit for.

What they lack in experience, they make up for in energy and determination.

Fresh Perspectives

Young hires bring fresh new ideas to the sales table. While you’re screening for tried-and-true sales techniques, you may be overlooking a new sales angle brought in through their unique perspectives.


There is no denying young hires lack experience , but they are also a blank slate, meaning they are highly trainable. Rather than breaking the old habits, some experienced sales reps may come in with, these new hires are ready to create outstanding sales habits and embrace new skills.

Agility and Adaptability

If there is one thing entry-level sales candidates developed navigating college graduation and the job search during a global pandemic, it’s adaptability and agility.

These candidates are highly resilient and ready to take your company to the next level.

2. Career Changers

You may be reluctant to consider mid-life career changers or even job hoppers, for that matter. But you’d be remiss to dismiss their lengthy list of valuable experiences and skills.

Transferrable Skills

Rather than looking for just the skills you think your sales reps may need to succeed, do a quick review of your “nice to haves” and “didn’t know how much they needed that.” Transferable skills have the potential to introduce a new dimension to your sales recruiting experience.


Career changes are likely eager to take the next step in their careers, meaning they could be willing to fill roles more targeted candidates wouldn’t consider.

They are also more likely to have skills and experiences to help them succeed in just about any sales role.


If one thing is true of professionals looking to make a significant career change, they are determined to reach new heights.

Their ambition is likely to help them exceed sales targets and drive teams toward greater success.

3. Passive Talent

Reaching out to passive talent  is likely a part of your current sales recruitment strategy, but they are not likely your go-to when you’re looking to fill roles quickly.

You may be missing out on a significant opportunity to persuade passive talent to make the leap.


Passive sales talent, in particular, is knowledgeable. You may have your eye on them because they lead in the sales industry.

Or they could have your attention because they are expert marketers or thought leaders in the sales field that you’re looking to close a talent gap. Whatever the reason, it’s clear they knew their stuff.


If you haven’t been able to convince them to shift their attention toward your open roles yet, you know one thing for sure, they are loyal to their company.

While this may make it harder to peg their attention, once you find the right open role, you know they will be a dedicated new hire ensuring your placement retention rate remains solid.

Lack of Competition

Because passive talent is not urgently looking for a new job, you can rest assured that the competition is not going to lure them away while you’re working on getting them into your hiring process.

This allows you to focus your attention on getting to know their needs and meeting their requirements to make a career change in the right role.

Hire These Candidates Today

No matter the unexpected talent you consider to fill your open roles quickly, you can identify great talent through these 11 signs on their LinkedIn profile .

From young hires who are adaptable and bring fresh perspectives to ambitious professionals with transferable skills looking for a career change to knowledgeable and qualified passive candidates, top talent is ready to step into your critical open roles.

You just need to look for that diamond.

 Greg Clouse is the recruiting manager at BioSpace.


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By Greg Clouse