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Smart Choices: Hiring the Right People

Need an office manager or a front-desk person? Pay and benefits are important but a successful search may depend more on patience. Physicians — most of whom are accustomed to making quick decisions — often don't put enough time or thought into hiring, says Elizabeth Woodcock, an Atlanta-based practice management expert. "Until physicians come to realize that they are leading...

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Elance as a Sourcing Tool for Creative Recruiters

Elance has become the single most popular place for freelancers, or Elancers as they may call themselves, of all types to search for gigs. The design of the site is easy to use and the jobs are plentiful. Companies of all sizes are turning to Elance to tap a pool of creative people: writers, designers, voice actors, coders, photographers... and the list goes on and on. Creative recruiters can...

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Got a Hollywood Job for Me?

"The only reason I'm in Hollywood is that I don't have the moral courage to refuse the money."—Marlon Brando "Well, you know what they say in Hollywood - the most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it."—Cesar Romero A very ordinary-looking fellow walks into a Hollywood employment agency, is invited to sit and quickly makes it clear exactly what he is...

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Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise: Possibilities for Workers Retiring Early

What does it mean for recruiters if more American workers are able to retire early?  How does early retirement shake up the current model of a working life?  Would an increase in early retirement lead to job growth within any sectors of the economy? For many older workers, a key contributor to their confidence in retiring is their employer's health care policy.  As part of broader talks about...

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Manufacturers Must Stay Competitive in Global Markets

The heat is on for the U.S.  manufacturing industry to grow and stimulate the overall economy.  Many economists insist that some kind of public-private partnerships will be key to encouraging this struggling sector of the economy. Many recruiters know that manufacturing assumes many different forms in this technological, digital age, but many manufacturing companies are having a hard time...

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Productive Times Call For Human Measures

"When a firm makes a profit this means that productive factors have been properly employed and corresponding human needs have been duly satisfied," wrote Pope John Paul II in 1991. The Pope definition of profit opens up an onslaught of questions.  What will it look like when productivity is at its height?  What will satisfy humans' needs?  What roles do technology and the environment play in...

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Reference Check 2.0: Time Saver for Recruiting Firms

How do you assess a sizable stack of resumes and cover letters?  What are some of the best shortcuts you've created to discern the best candidate for a job? As this process is so challenging, plenty of people have tried to come up with some sanity-preserving time savers. By leveraging the connectivity of social networking, Reference Check 2.0 has emerged as a popular option for...

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Housing Projects No Home for Fraud

As any project manager knows, a project is never really yours and yours alone.  Its success depends on the decisions of all the people you work with.  A manager's personal integrity doesn't really mean anything to the worker denied of his or her rights by a subcontractor. Consider your own practice and think about whose needs you are most in touch with on a daily basis.  Is pressure to save...

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Background Screening Methodology Critical for the Whole Team

If the goal of finding a perfect job candidate is to find a new coworker, then be attentive to the way you check candidates' qualifications.  It can really rub a job candidate the wrong way if she finds out after the fact that you were chatting at length with an obscure, previous coworker.  Similarly, it might perturb someone to know that one manner of background check was promised, but quite...

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"Max" vs. "Min" vs. "MaxEx"—Which Recruitment Strategy for You?

"There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it."—George Bernard Shaw, Act IV, "Man and Superman" In making your decisions about which candidate to push most aggressively, and even which employment sector to specialize in, about which client to engage, and, in general, how to utilize and allocate your resources of time, energy, money...

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Insulting Recruiters? It Just Might Work

You gotta love recruiting... No, I mean, you really have to love recruiting to be in it. You get it from all sides: candidates, internal and external clients and hiring managers, and even other recruiting firms. I came across Hackruiter and just had to mention them. In hip-plain black text on a white background, they proudly proclaim, "Most recruiters are hacks. We're hackers." What do they...

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Will Facebook Become a Job Board?

Recruiters have long fantasized (or worried, depending on your opinion) about using Facebook as the ultimate job board. Recruiting with Facebook, however, is notoriously difficult and confusing. Navigating the complexities of privacy settings and friends vs. fans vs. likes vs. shares leaves recruiters with little to work with. The end result is that right now Facebook is much more of a personal...

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Placing and Trading Staff: Go Long, or Short?

"I made my money by selling too soon."—Bernard Baruch, financier and presidential advisor Reflecting on a recent conversation with an old friend and financial whiz about "short-selling" stock—something I've never tried, I realized that the Wall Street stock market concepts of "going long", "going short" and "shorting a stock" have interesting implications for...

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U.S. Supreme Court Rules that Corporations Don't Get to Have Privacy

As a recruiter, you may help meet the talent demands of one or many client corporations.  It may prove helpful to understand what rights corporations do and do not have under the U.S. legal system.  As the push for government transparency grows, will corporations be required to make public more of their documents?  This week, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed a previous decision to curtail...

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After a Military Base Closes, Who is Responsible for Dislocated Workers?

Sometimes, a large company with multiple locations reorganizes its employment structure, closing shop in one place to open doors in another.  While there are plenty of reasons to switch operations around, it is not without its abandoned workers.  Oftentimes, these worker have already settled in a place and are not able to easily travel with the company. When a private company moves, what is...

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Hedge Fund Employment Branding

Hedge funds have been viewed in a quite negative light over the past few years. What's to like about hedge funds? They make billions for a relatively small number of people, appear to have a different tax method than the rest of us, and may have played a part in the financial collapse. But they do at least one thing right: employment branding. Of course, many of our companies live in the...

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Popcorn and Child Labor Don't Mix

What comes to mind when you think of child labor?  Do you picture children working in  sweatshops in distant countries?  Or do you imagine a long-lost chapter in American history in which kids toiled at sewing machines on the Lower East Side? The definitions of child labor are more specific than you might have imagined, but it is the obligation of employers to understand the entirety of child...

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YouthBuild's New Recipients Off and Running

Who is the U.S. recruiting?  Do your recruiting practices mirror the government's?  Or are they quite different? In an attempt to help young people have more possibilities at a young age, the U.S. department has announced a list of recipients for grants to help employ and train young workers.  The Department of Labor announced an award of $30,696,643 for its YouthBuild programs.  Funds will...

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The Jobless Diaspora

Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one the stars. --Frederick Langbridge (1849–1923), A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts What optimism is there to see beyond the mud of rising unemployment rates? Although the recruiter would rather hear about job growth, on a day when one is peculiarly given to feeling optimistic, one might see beyond the economic decline.  Looking past...

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Dogs, Sticks and Recruiters

—How an old dog can teach you new recruitment tricks "Walk softly and carry a big stick"—Teddy Roosevelt What does or should a recruiter have in common with a dog chomping down on and loping along with a stick in its mouth? More to the point, what can a recruiter learn from a stick-fetching and wood-toting dog? SOFT WALK, BIG STICK/Photo: Michael Moffa To answer that, it...

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Finding A Job In Today's Market

Less than 4 years ago, a job candidate with a decent resume and little or no experience could walk into virtually any interview knowing that an offer was inevitable. Candidates would send out 10 resumes hoping to get 2 or 3 responses, but they would instead get 20 responses, many from head-hunters, whose business was booming like never before. Back then, it was almost impossible to find a...

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Resume Presentation is Key

Key words are important when a résumé is being scanned, particularly when being scanned by software which a very few companies are doing now. However, when a human being is reviewing resumes, which is 98% of the time, resume presentation also plays an important role in winning an interview over the other candidates who are applying for the same position as you. When a resume looks almost...

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Is Your Resume Hurting or Helping You Get That Interview?

You spend hours finding just the right words for your resume.  You struggle over which font to select and what "action" words work best.  But, do you know the way you format your resume and the information you include can undo all your time and energy? NEVER – I mean NEVER – use columns or tables. Most companies and many recruiters use databases to keep track of applicants.  When...

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Linkedin Year in Review and Profile Stats

With Linkedin's IPO scheduled, they are apparently in the dual mode of increasing profits and delivering new product innovations. Their product development appears to have kicked into overdrive - recently, there have been new tools and services announced regularly. Two relatively new services useful to recruiters are the new "Year in Review" tool and the new profile stats tool. Recruiters...

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Split Considerations

Agency recruiters, especially those in smaller recruiting firms or working for themselves, often "split" fees with other companies or external recruiters. The aim is to improve recruiting bandwidth and coverage on a requisition, especially when it is a position outside your core competency. Conversely, by recruiting on splits, a recruiter can immediately have business to work on without spending...

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The World's First Recruiter

THE ANCIENT ART OF RECRUITING/Image: Michael Moffa "And the woman said, 'The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat."—Genesis, 3:13 Quick: Who was the world's first recruiter? Don't think, just answer—in terms of a specific real, legendary or mythological individual and/or a specific category. Your fast answer may reveal something about how you see your own profession, about how your...

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New Jobs in Banking and Possibly Beyond

Recruiters know that hiring practices are complicated things to predict.  A company may continue hiring new employees even when facing great pressure from public media or private investors. A curious, contemporary example of this potentially incongruous-seeming influx of hiring is currently seen in the actions of financial institutions.   Although the crash of the housing market disrupted...

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Where Work is Sparse and Getting Sparser

"Well, it's a great time to stay in school," said a brave mother to her child.  She tried to put  a positive spin on the job market her college graduate child is about enter into. As unemployment continues to impact every community in the United States, many people are trying to avoid the job market by various creative or risky measures.  These people's choices are not necessarily reflected...

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Racist Hiring Practices Reprimanded

Have you ever recommended a job candidate and suspected that racism was the reason that the applicant was not offered the job? Proving such discrimination is another story.  It often takes years to prove that a company has systematically practiced discrimination in its hiring practices.  When the government identifies and condemns such behavior, one can be certain that hundreds of hours of...

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NABE Revises Economic Forecast Upward; Unemployment Still High

The NABE (National Association for Business Economics) recently revised its forecast for economic growth for 2011 into 2012. The survey of economists forecast that gross domestic product will grow 3.3% in 2011, which is a revision upward from the 2.6% they forecast in November. They predict labor markets to improve throughout the year. Their forecast for labor markets call for monthly payroll...

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The Impact of the "Flynn Effect" on Recruitment

—Have globally skyrocketing IQs affected applicant screening? "It is as if some unseen hand propelled scores upward at an unvarying rate between 1952 and 1982, a rate of 6 IQ points per decade, with individual nations scattering randomly around that value... Culture-reduced tests of fluid intelligence show gains of as much as 20 points per generation (30 years); performance tests show...

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NCO University Recognized for its Training

What did the last training you went to teach you?  What did it feel like?  Were the subjects applicable to your everyday work life? Often trainings create lasting impressions for employees, determining how much they feel valued as a worker, as well as providing invaluable information. The time that goes into training sessions frequently passes without too much appreciation, but the magazine...

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Manufacturing Shoulders the Brunt of Mass-Layoffs

As soon as lay-offs become an "event", it can't be good. The Bureau of Labor Statistics has released its figures from this past month's unemployment benefit claims due to mass lay-off events. Although the numbers suggest that unemployment is down in most industries, the numbers of unemployed workers this past January remains staggering. Compared to January 2010, this year workers in...

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Google Tweaks Search... and your Job Postings?

Last night, Google announced a major improvement in the way they rank search results. Search results have been typically easy to manipulate and the result is that commercial sites focused on technical optimization do better than sites with high-quality, original content and research. These new tweaks by Google to its algorithms will apparently focus results on original, high-quality content....

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Managing Third Party Recruiter Calls

Corporate recruiters often get bombarded with rather generic requests from staffing and recruiting firms. Fielding these third party recruiter calls and managing the relationships can become a big part of a corporate recruiter's job. Especially in this economy, third party recruiters are of course scrambling to dig up business (which really should be commended.) Third party recruiters...

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Resilience Attracts Business

As recruiters evaluate how the economy is influencing the communities they serve and the companies they promote, a term that might have come up is "resilience."  What resources help one community survive when one area of business closes shop?  Which accounts that you work with continue to find ways to grown even though nationwide business is down? As you plan ahead for these uncertain times,...

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"Right Thing to Do" in California

"What is the right thing to do?"  This question weighs on the mind of many of us as we adapt to changing conditions in the economy and the environment.  But very few of us are making decisions that determine what is the right thing to spend millions of dollars on. The Secretary of Labor Hilary Solis is in the unique position of determining on a daily basis where the nation's money should go. ...

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Compensation Off-Kilter with Productivity

Does it seem like workers are frustrated with a gnawing sensation that something is awry?  This itchy feeling that paychecks don't quite match up with work accomplished has particular validity in this decade. Recruiters are undoubtedly aware of this as they communicate companies' salaries to job candidates.  There is often an accompanying sense that salaries are not growing, even as...

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The Self-Employed Recruiter: Chicken-Fox or Chicken?

—An analysis of why there are so few self-employed recruiters "About 12,900 managers and specialists were self-employed, working as consultants to public and private employers."—Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Handbook, 2010-2011 (a figure representing only 1.4% of the total number of human resource and recruitment specialists) "Average is best"—the gist of one...

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Recruiters: Follow the Money

During a troubled economy, where is there economic growth?  Like stockbrokers or business analysts, recruiters may wish to take note of where people continue to spend their money even when their salaries suffer. While it's best not to gear your business around short term hiring trends, keeping an eye to future hot areas of employment is a very good practice. Following potential business growth...

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What's in a Paycheck?

Maybe you began recruiting ten years ago.  When you first began and told a job candidate that they were offered a salary of $4o,000, the salary meant something different than the same one does today.  As a recruiter, it's important to understand what salaries can actually buy in today's market. The government analyzes this reality for the average worker under the term "real" to determine how...

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Outreach to Workers Aching to Go Green

Overheard on the subway in New York City: "I wish I knew how to install solar panels." There is a certain mystique surrounding many of the jobs that have been identified as key to helping the environment.  How does one tap into this growing industry?  How does your knowledge base translate to helping protect the Earth when you go to work in the morning.  (Or do you go to work at a different...

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Predicting Panic

"The only thing to fear is fear itself," proclaimed Franklin D. Roosevelt.  He condemned this fear as "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror."  Speaking of the Great Depression in a speech to the nation, Roosevelt urged U.S. citizens to take action to change the economy. Fear continues to affect the economy in this era, according to cutting edge analysts.  In fact, the results of fear,...

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Must Resume Faxing Be Taxing?

"My fax machine ate my resume"—good excuse Internet faxing, iPhone app-faxing and their ilk have made faxing less taxing—in terms of time, energy and expense. Yet, some recruiters and job hunters reading this may through unfamiliarity, lack of  alternative technology access or simple Luddite angst and stubbornness still be using conventional fax machines as their resume well and...

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Had a Great Interview? Now What?

I almost never hear from a client or candidate that the interview bombed. Most interviewers are polite and make the candidate feel good about their experience and give them the impression there is a chance, if not a good chance that they will be called back for a 2nd interview. How can you increase your chances of getting to the next step if you feel you gave all you could in the interview? A...

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Hiding Your Linkedin Connections

A lot of people advocate hiding your connections on Linkedin. The obvious reason here is to not let your competitors see who you are connecting with. It is feasible that your competitors could spend time Linkedin-stalking you, stealing away your precious connections and business opportunities. For people who are not very active on Linkedin, hiding Linkedin connections might be a good idea. If...

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Production Prices on the Rise

Although there is a buzz about there needing to be more products produced in the United States to stimulate the economy, this task is neither cheap nor easy at any step of the way.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has announced that it has become a little bit more costly to create products in the U.S. at all of the various stages of production. According to the BLS, in January, the Producer...

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Recruiters Face Roadblocks from Fully Utilizing Social Media

If you feel supported as you incorporate social media into your work recruiting new talent, consider yourself lucky.  Many recruiters find that they are not able to fully explore the possibilities of social media such as Facebook and LinkedIn because they are discouraged by their employers. StepStone Solutions conducted a global survey of HR professionals to see how firms encourage or...

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